Pizza NY Margherita

Pizza NY Margherita

(2) Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars Gainesville, Virginia, USA (703) 753-0744
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Pizza NY Margherita
has given a 5 out of 5 star rating on
I grew up in Philly, finding a good Italian eatery that delivers was impossible down here, my usual comment for what they call Philly hoagies and cheesesteaks is ‘I give up what is it?” Not anymore this place is great. Great subs, pasta and entrees. They take care to deliver hot delicious authentic Italian food to your door.

Pizza NY Margherita
has given a 5 out of 5 star rating on
I am from New York, and trust me when I say that this pizza is the real deal. It is amazingly delicious. As a super extra bonus, this place is very kid friendly. I have four kids and dining with them can be extra challenging, to say the least. They feel welcome here, and love being able to sit at the counter to watch the pizza being made. This is my number one favorite place to dine as a family!

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